Yi Tang Data Science and Emacs

Atomic Habit in Emacs - Keep Git Repos Clean

Table of Contents

  1. Why?
  2. Emacs Lisp Helper
  3. Practise


I am having a hard time keeping my git repositories clean: there are just too many repositories, I counted 31 in total, and I have 5 computers where I work on them.

The consequence is that sometimes I get surprised at seeing a lot of seemingly useful changes that are not committed to the git repo. I had to stop whatever I was doing to just think about what to do with those changes. It breaks the flow!

There are other occasions where I thought I fixed some bugs, but I don’t have the patches on my laptop. It turned out I didn’t check in to the cloud, so I have to log back to the right server to run a couple of git commands, or if I don’t have access to the servers, I have to fix the bugs from scratch again. It is inefficient!

It can happen a lot in active projects where I work on multiple systems and multiple git repos or when I travel. I plan to revisit my filesystem (which is inspired by Stephen Wolfram 1) and tech setup to reduce the number of repos by merging them and keeping only 1 laptop, 1 workstation and 1 server. This is something for summer, it can reduce the severity of the problem but can not eliminate it.

At the moment, I just have to become more disciplined in managing files, e.g. to have an atomic habit of checking my git repo regularly, or at least do it once at the end of the day, or as part of the shutdown ritual after finishing a task2.

Emacs Lisp Helper

The 3rd Law of Behavior Change is make it easy.

James Clear, Atomic Habit

To facilitate the forming of this habit, I implemented a utility function in Lisp to list the dirty git repo, and provide a clickable link to the magit-status buffer of the git repo. With one click on the hyperlink, I can start to run git commands via the mighty magit package. I bind this action to keystroke F9-G.

(defun yt/git--find-unclean-repo (root-dir)
  ;; (interactive)
  (setq out nil)
  (dolist (dir (directory-files-recursively root-dir "\\.git$" t))
    (message "checking repo %s" dir)
    (let* ((git-dir (file-name-parent-directory dir))
           (default-directory git-dir))
      (unless (string= "" (shell-command-to-string "git status --porcelain"))
        (push git-dir out))))

(defun yt/dirty-git-repos (&optional root-dir)
  "list the dirty git repos, provides a clickable link to their
magit-status buffer."
  (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Where's the root directory?" )))

  (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*test-git-clean*"))
        (git-repos (yt/git--find-unclean-repo root-dir)))
    (with-current-buffer  buffer
      (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (insert (format "Number of dirty git repos: %s " (length git-repos)))
      (dolist (git-repo git-repos)
        (insert (format "\n[[elisp:(magit-status \"%s\")][%s]]" git-repo git-repo))))

The workhorse is the git status --porcelain command: If the git repo is clean, it returns nothing, otherwise, it outputs the file names whose changes are not checked in, e.g. the first file is modified (M), and the second file is not untracked (??).

 M config/Dev-R.el
?? snippets/org-mode/metric

The rest of the code is for parsing the outputs and turning them into a user-friendly format in Org-mode. What’s interesting is that The org-mode provides a kind of hyperlink that evaluates Lisp expressions, using the example below,

[elisp:(magit-status "/foo")]["Git Status of Repo /foo"]

The description of the hyperlink is “Git Status of Repo /foo” , after I click it, it runs the expression (magit-status "/foo") which shows the git status of /foo repo in a dedicated buffer.

Before executing it will ask for a confirmation. It can be a bit annoying and inconvenienced at first which naturally leads to the temptation of removing this behaviour by setting org-link-elisp-confirm-function to nil. I discourage you from doing so in case someone embeds funny codes, (for example rm -rf ~/) in a hyperlink, so make sure to check that variable’s documentation before changing it3!


It was fun to write the lisp functions. I learnt how to use the optional function argument and interactive so that the function can be used both interactively and pragmatically. I’m very much wanting to spend more time in coding, to enhance it with some ideas I got from reading Xu Chunyang’s osx-dictionary package4.

However, the effectiveness of those functions has little to do with the extra features I had in mind but really depends on how I use them. Solving the problems requires deliberate practise and changing my behaviours so that cleaning git repos becomes a habit of mine, which is always the hardest part.

One key indicator for this habit5 can be the number of check-ins and see if there’s a substantial increase from today.


1 see Stephen Wolfram’s blog posts

2 Cal Newport, Deep Work, Page 151

3 https://orgmode.org/manual/Code-Evaluation-Security.html

4 https://github.com/xuchunyang/osx-dictionary.el

5 inspired by Andrew Grove’s book High Output Management

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