Yi Tang Data Science and Emacs

Use Ledger-Cli to Track DIY Project Expenses

Table of Contents

  1. Personal Technical Challenge
  2. Baby Steps
  3. Why? - Effort Estimation

Personal Technical Challenge

I used ledger-cli1 before and it was a painful experience. The problem was not rooted in the tool but in how I intended to use it: I wanted to track all my expenses, from buying a cup of coffee to booking a holiday package. When I started this journey, there was a massive jump from knowing little to nothing about personal finance to doing double-entry accounting in plain text.

Though I gave up, it introduced me to the idea of owning my bank transaction data in text files on my personal computer. So over the years, I manually curated about 8 years of historical transaction data.

If you haven’t done so, I strongly recommend you go to your banks’ website and download the transaction data manually, going as far back as you can. You will notice that the banks only give access to 3-5 years of data2. It’s a shame that banks use outdated technologies but it is better than having nothing.

Since I had the data, I did some analysis and charts in Python/R. But I kept wondering what ledger-cli can offer. I occasionally saw blog posts on ledger-cli in the Emacs communities, so there must be something out there.

It also has become a personal challenge. I turned not to give up but put it aside to tackle it again after I got older.

Baby Steps

Hopefully, I had become smarter as well. This time, to ensure I can successfully adopt the tool, I am going to reduce the scope to limit to only tracking DIY project expenses.

I love DIY and I wish I had more days for DIY projects. It is usually labour-intensive and I feel hyped and extremely confident after a couple of DIY. Pairing it with learning ledger-cli, a cognitive-intensive activity, would make them a nice bundle3.

Though the usage is simple, the question it can answer is important. I want to know, during or after the DIY project, how much it exactly costs. I could use a much simpler tool, like spreadsheets or a pen/notebook, but I want it to be a stepping stone to acquire ledger-cli properly in the future.

Why? - Effort Estimation

I need an accurate answer to the actual costs so that I can use the data to train myself in cost estimation. This is an very important skill to have as a homeowner, it would put me in a much better position in negotiation with the tradesman. A lot of the people in the UK complained that they or their relatives got ripped off by tradesman.4

In general, house repairs and improvements are getting much more expensive every year, due to the shortage of labourers, inflation and Brexit etc. To give an example using my last two quotes, adding an electrical socket costs £240 and replacing a small section of water pipes costs £500.

I have a good habit of using org-mode to track time, my goal to add ledger-cil to my system to track the expenses. After that, I would know if it is really worth doing the DIY or finding a proper tradesman. The total cost itself is not the only metric that matters, but n very essential one to have.


1 https://ledger-cli.org/

2 Why don’t banks give access to all your transaction activity?

3 I might pick it up from Atomic Habit

4 How many of you have been ripped off by builders / tradesmen? (or know someone closely that has)

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