Yi Tang Data Science and Emacs

How Much Does Threadripper 3970x Help in Training LightGBM Models?

Table of Contents

  1. Experiment Set up
  2. i5-13600k - Efficient Cores Count
  3. 3970x - Disappointing Results
  4. i5 vs. 3970x - Training in Parallel
  5. CPU vs. GPU - Impressive Performance
  6. Is the 3970x worth it?

Back in my Kaggle days, I always wondered how much my ranking could improve with a better computer. I finally pulled the triggers (twice) and got myself a 32-Cores Threadripper 3970x workstation.

Before I can tell if it helps my Kaggle competitions or not, I thought it would be interesting to quantify how much benefits I can get from upgrading the i5-13600k to 3970x in training LightGBM model.

The TLDR is:

  1. The speedup is 3 times in training LightGBM using CPU.
  2. To my surprise, it is 2 times faster using GTX 1080Ti GPU than i5-13600k.
  3. There are no obvious gains from GTX 1080Ti to RTX 3080.

Experiment Set up

I use the data in the Optiver - Trading At The Close competition. There are about 500,000 rows and 100 features. I train a 3-fold (expanding window) LightGBM model. Repeating the same process with varying numbers of cores used in the process to get a performance graph like this:

Threadripper 3970x vs i5-13600k: Train LightGBM Models on CPU

i5-13600k - Efficient Cores Count

The i5-13600k has 6 performance cores and 8 efficient cores. In practice, I never use more than 6 cores in training ML models. My theory is mixing fast performance and slow efficient cores leads to a worse performance than using the performance cores alone. By specifying 6 cores, I assume the OS uses only performance cores.

The result shows that I was wrong - Using more than 6 cores can give considerable performance gain. It reduces the runtime by 10 minutes from 6 to 14 cores.

The only plausible explanation is that when training LightGBM with 6 cores, it is already mixed with efficient cores. Therefore I see an increases in performance while adding more cores.

Regardless I will start to use 12 cores in practise.

3970x - Disappointing Results

I know the performance gain will not scale linearly with the number of cores but I wasn’t expecting that adding more cores can slow down the model training.

The graph shows the 3970x achieves its best performance at using 12 cores. After that, adding more cores increases the runtime.

This type of behaviour is usually observed in simple tasks where the overhead of coordinating between cores outweighs the benefits of extra cores bring in.

But training thousands of decision trees with half a million data points is definitive not in this simple task category. So I don’t understand why this is happening.

i5 vs. 3970x - Training in Parallel

For 6 cores, it took i5 51 minutes and 3970x 42 minutes, which is about 1.2 speedup which is not bad. The same speed boost is also observed at using 10 and 12 cores.

I found this consistent speedup confusing because there’s a mix of performance and efficient cores in i5, so in theory every performance core I add in 3970x should increase the performance marginal when compared to i5.

In general, because of the poor scalability with respect to the number of cores, the best performance is achieved when training the model with a small number of cores and running multiple training in parallel. This is the trick I use to get the extra performance boost for CPU-bound tasks.

Here’s the setup for each computer:

  • i5-13600: use 6 cores to train each model, and train 2 models in parallel. They are 2 cores left for OS background activities.
  • 3970x: also use 6 cores to train each model, but train 5 models in parallel! It also leaves 2 cores for OS background activities.

After a little bit of maths, it takes 14 hours for 3970x to train 100 models, and 42.8 hours for i5, so the speedup is 3 times. This is just based on my theory. It would be good to actually run the experiment and see the actual numbers.

Table 1: Training 100 models in parallel setting.
CPU Runtime of 1 model (S) No. models in Parallel No. Batches Total Runtime (H)
13600k 3083 2 50 42.8
3970x 2523 5 20 14.0

So the most benefit I can get from 3970x is in running multiple experiments in parallel!

CPU vs. GPU - Impressive Performance

I have a GTX 1080Ti in my i5 PC for running deep learning models and CUDA code. I never use it for LightGBM because the GPU implementation was slower than the CPU in 2019 when I tried it.

In summer Guolin Ke, the author LightGBM, promised a significant improvement in GPU performance when he was looking for volunteers to work on improving LightGBM’s GPU algorithm.

Since I have the experiments set up already, it took me little time to repeat the same experiments using the GPU trainer. All I did was adding device_type=’gpu’ in the configuration files.

Table 2: Runtime of training a single mdoel
# CPU Cores i5-13600k tr-3970x GTX 1080ti RTX 3080
6 3083 2523 1435 1256
10 2695 1940 1269 1147

The result shocks me: I can get 2 times speedup just by switching from i5 to 1080Ti with one additional line in the config and it outperforms the 3970x in training single model setting by a big margin!

Is the 3970x worth it?

I found myself asking this question after seeing the results. In the context of this experiment, no, it makes no sense to spend £2,000 to get 3 times speedup when I can simply switch to 1080Ti to get 2 times speed up with no costs.

However, the reason I go for the Threadripper and the TRX40 platform is the 128 PCIe 4.0 lanes. The workstation is capable of running 4 GPUs at the same time at full capability while as i5 can only run 1 GPU.

If I had 4 GTX 3080 installed, it would finish training 100 models in just under 8 hours! That’s 5.25 speedup to i5 and 1.75 speedup to 3970x in parallel setting.

This calculation is not for just entertainment. It turns out that utilising multiple GPU to train gradient boost tree can be a really big thing!

I just found another reason to buy more GPUs! :)

State of This Blog

Table of Contents

This static blog is built using Jekyll in 2014. It survived after 7 years which is a success when it comes to personal blogging. Part of the reason is having a good blogging workflow: write posts in Org Mode, export to HTML with a front matter, build the site using Jekyll, send the folder to an Amazon S3 bucket, and that’s it. All done in Emacs of course.

Technical Debt

I added a few things to the workflow to enhance the reading experience including code highlights, centred images with caption, table of content etc. There are more features I want to add but at the same time, I want to be able to just write.

With that mindset, whenever there are issues, I apply quick fixes without a deep understanding of the actual causes. It seems efficient until recently some fixes become counter-productive.

I started seeing underscore (_) is exported as \_ and <p​> tag appears in code snippets. It all sounds like quick fix, but I just couldn’t get it correct after few hours. For the last few posts, I had to manually fix them for each of the read-edit-export-fix iteration.

Revisit the Tech Stack

I have an ambitious goal for this blog. So it is time to go sweep the carpet. I studied the technologies used for this blog, Jekyll, AWS and Org Mode exporting. It was a good chance to practise Org-roam for taking atomic notes. The time is well spent as I learnt a lot.

I was impressed I got the whole thing up and running 7 years ago. I don’t think I have the willpower to do it now.

Still, there are a lot of things that I do not have a good understand, e.g. the Liquid templates, HTML and CSS tags etc. The syntax just puts me off.

Long Ride with Jekyll

I prefer a simple format like Org Mode or Markdown and don’t have to deal with HTML/CSS at all. There are a couple of occasions when I cannot resist the temptation to look for an alternative to Jekyll. There’s no luck in the search. It seems HTML is the only way because it is native to the web.

So the plan is to stick with Jekyll for at least a few years. In the next couple of weeks, I’d try to fix all the issues, after that, gradually add more features to enhance the writing and reading experience.

I hope people who also uses the similar tech stack (Org-mode, Emacs, Jekyll, AWS) can benefit my work.

Setup Emacs Servers in MacOS

I switched to MacOS last year for editing home gym videos. I was and am still amazed by how fast the M1 chip is for exporting 4K videos. The MacOS also enriched the Emacs experience which makes it deserve another blog post.

So I have been slowly adapting my Emacs configuration and workflow to MacOS. One of the changes is the Emacs server.

The goal is to have fully loaded Emacs instances running all the time so I can use them at any time and anywhere, in Terminal or Spotlight. They are initiated upon login. In cases of Emacs crashes (it is rare but more often than I like) or I have to stop them because I messed up the configuration, they restart automatically.

Emacs Server Configuration

I have this setup in Linux using systemd, as in my previous blog post.

In MacOS, the launchctl is the service manager. It provides a user interface to list, start and stop services.

To build an Emacs server, create a plist file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder. In my case, I named it emacs_work.plist.

 1: # cat ~/library/LaunchAgents/emacs_work.plist
 2: <plist version="1.0">
 3:   <dict>
 4:     <key>Label</key>
 5:     <string>emacs_work</string>
 6:     <key>ProgramArguments</key>
 7:     <array>
 8:       <string>/opt/homebrew/opt/emacs-plus@29/bin/emacs</string>
 9:       <string>--fg-daemon=work</string>
10:     </array>
11:     <key>RunAtLoad</key>
12:     <true/>
13:     <key>KeepAlive</key>
14:     <true/>    
15:     <key>StandardOutPath</key>
16:     <string>/tmp/emacs_work.stdout.log</string>
17:     <key>StandardErrorPath</key>
18:     <string>/tmp/emacs_work.stderr.log</string>
19:   </dict>
20: </plist>

It is an extension of Emacs Plus' plist file. I made a few changes for running two Emacs servers: one for work (data sciences, research) and one for personal usage (GTD, books). Taking the "work" server as an example, the important attributes of the plist configuration file are:

Line 5
The unique service name to launchctl
Line 8
The full path to the Emacs program. In my case, it is /opt/homebrew/opt/emacs-plus@29/bin/emacs
Line 9
The "--fg-daemon" option set the Emacs server name to "work". Later I can connect to this server by specifying "-s=work" option to emacsclient
Line 13
The KeepAlive is set to true so it keeps trying to restart the server in case of failures
Line 16 and 18
The location of standard output and error files. They are used to debug. Occasionally I have to check those files to see why Emacs servers stopped working, usually because of me introducing bugs in my .emacs.d.

With the updated plist files in place, I start the Emacs servers with

launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/emacs_work.plist
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/emacs_org.plist

The launchctl list | grep -i emacs is a handy snippet that lists the status of the services whose name includes "emacs". The output I have right now is

PID Exit Code Server ID
1757 0 emacs_org
56696 0 emacs_work

It shows both Emacs servers are running fine with exit code 0.

Launch Emacs GUI in Terminal

I can now open a Emacs GUI and connect it to the "work" Emacs server by running emacsclient -c -s work &. The -c option

Launch Emacs GUI in Spotlight

In MacOS, I found it is natural to open applications using Spotlight, for example, type ⌘ + space to invoke Spotlight, put "work" in the search bar, it narrows the search down to "emacs_work" application, and hit return to finalise the search. It achieves the same thing as the command above but can be used anywhere.

I uploaded a demo video on YouTube to show it in action. You might want to watch it at 0.5x speed because I typed so fast...

To implement this shortcut, open "Automator" application, start a new "Application", select "Run Shell Script", and paste the following bash code

/opt/homebrew/opt/emacs-plus@29/bin/emacsclient \
    --no-wait \
    --quiet \
    --suppress-output \
    --create-frame -s work \

and save it as emacsclient_work in the ~/Application folder.

Essentially, the bash script above is wrapped up as a MacOS application, named emacsclient_work and the Spotlight searches the application folder by default.

Speed Up Sparse Boolean Data

I’m working on replicating the (Re-)Imag(in)ing Price Trends paper - the idea is to train a Convolutional Neutral Network (CNN) "trader" to predict the stocks' return. What makes this paper interesting is the model uses images of the pricing data, not in the traditional time-series format. It takes financial charts like the one below and tries to mimic the traders' behaviours to buy and sell stocks to optimise future returns.

Alphabet 5-days Bar Chart Shows OHLC Price and Volume Data

I like this idea. So it becomes my final assignment for Deep Learning Systems: Algorithm and Implementations course.

Imaging On-the-fly

To train the model, the price and volume data are transformed into black-white images which is just a 2D matrix with 0s and 1s. For just around 100 stocks' pricing history, there are around 1.2 million images in total.

I used the on-the-fly imaging process during training: in each batch, it loads pricing data for a given stock, sample one day in the history, slice a chunk of pricing data, and then convert it to an image. It takes about 0.2 milliseconds (ms) to do all that, so in total it takes 4 minutes to loop through all the 1.2 million images.

df = MarketData(DATA_DIR)['GOOGL']
imager = ImagingOHLCV(img_resolution, price_prop=price_prop)
img = imager(df.tail(5))

1.92 ms ± 26.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

To train 10 epochs, that's 40 minutes in loading data. To train one epoch on the full dataset with 5,000 stocks, that's 200 minutes in loading data alone!

PyToch utilises multiple processing in loading the data using CPU while training using GPU. So the problem is less severe, but I'm using the needle, the deep learning framework we developed during the course, it does have this functionality yet.

During training using needle, the GPU utilisation is only around 50%. After all the components in the end-to-end are almost completed, it is time to train with more data, go deeper (larger/more complicated morel), try hyper-parameters tuning etc.

But before moving to the next stage, I need to improve the IO.

Scipy Sparse Matrix

In the image above, there are a lot of black pixels or zeros in the data matrix. In general only 5%-10% of pixels are white in this dataset.

So my first attempt was to use scipy's spare matrix instead of numpy's dense matrix: I save the sparse matrix, loaded it, and then convert it back to a dense matrix for training CNN model.

img_sparse = sparse.csr_matrix(img)
sparse.save_npz('/tmp/sparse_matrix.npz', img_sparse)
img_sparse_2 = sparse.load_npz('/tmp/sparse_matrix.npz')
assert np.all(img_sparse_2 == img)

967 µs ± 4.99 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

It reduces the IO time to 1ms, so about half of the time, not bad, but I was expecting a lot more as the sparseness is high.

Numpy Bites

Then I realised the data behind images is just 0 and 1, in fact, a lot of zeros, and only some are 1. So I can ignore the 0s and only need to save those 1s, then reconstruct the images using those 1.

It is so simple that numpy has functions for this type of data processing already. The numpy.packbites function converts the image matrix of 0 and 1 into a 1D array whose values indicate where the 1s are. Then the numpy.unpackbits does the inverse: it reconstructs the image matrix by using the 1D location array.

This process reduces the time of loading one image to 0.2 milliseconds, that's 10 times faster than the on-the-fly method with only a few lines of code.

temp_file = "/tmp/img_np_bites.npy"
img_np_bites = np.packbits(img.astype(np.uint8))
np.save(temp_file, img_np_bites)
img_np_bites = np.load(temp_file)
img_np_bites = np.unpackbits(img_np_bites).reshape(img.shape)
assert np.all(img_np_bites == img)

194 µs ± 3.95 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000 loops each)

Another benefit is the file size is much smaller: it is 188 bytes compared to 1104 bytes using sparse matrix. So it takes only 226MB of disk space to save 1.2 million images!

Path('/tmp/img_np_bites.npy').stat().st_size, Path('/tmp/sparse_matrix.npz').stat().st_size

188, 1104

Problems of Having Millions of Files

It takes a couple of minutes to generate 1.2 million files on my Debian machine. It is so quick! But then I release this approach is not scalable without modification because there's a limited number of files the OS can accommodate. The technical term is Inode. According to this StackExchange question, once the filesystem is created, one cannot increase the limit (Yes, I was there).

Without going down to the database route, one quick workaround is to bundle the images together, for example, 256 images in one file. So later in training, load 256 images in one go, then split them into chunks. Just ensure the number of images is a multiple of the batch size used in training so I don't have to deal with unequal batch sizes. Since those bundled images are trained together, it reduces the randomness of SGD, so I won't bundle too many images together, 256 sounds about right.

The LSP and other tools can cause problems when they are monitoring folders with a large number of files. Moving them out of the project folder is the way to go so Emacs won't complain or freeze.

PoorMan's CI in Emacs

I have been working on the Deep Learning System course. It is the hardest course I ever studied after university. I would never thought that I need CI for a personal study project. It just shows how complex this course is.

Here is the setup: the goal is to develop a pytorch-like DL library that supports ndarray ops, autograd, and to implement DL models, LSTM for example, from scratch. That's the exciting math part. The tricky part is it supports both CPU devices with C++11 and GPU devices with Cuda. On the user front, the interface is written in Python. I worked on my M1 laptop most of the time, and switch to my Debian desktop for Cuda implementation.

It was a fine Saturday afternoon, I made a breakthrough in implementing the gradient of Convolution Ops in Python after couple of hours of tinkering in a local coffee shop. I rushed home, boosted up Debian to test the Cuda backend, only to find "illegible memory access" error!

It took me a few cycles of rolling back to the previous change in git to find where the problems are. It made me think about the needs of CI. In the ideal scenario, I would have a CI that automatically runs the tests on the CPU and Cuda devices to ensure one bug-fix on CPU side doesn't introduce new bugs on the Cuda, and vice versa. But I don't have this setup at home.

Two Components of PoorMan CI

So I implemented what I call PoorMan CI. It is a semi-automated process that gives me some benefits of the full CI. I tried hard to refrain from doing anything fancy because I don't have time. The final homework is due in a few days. The outcome is simple yet powerful.

The PoorMan CI consists of two parts:

  1. a bunch of bash functions that I can call to run the tests, capture the outputs, save them in a file, and version control it

    For example, wrap the below snippet in a single function

pytest -l -v -k "not training and cuda" \
       > test_results/2022_12_11_12_48_44__fce5edb__fast_and_cuda.log
git add test_results/2022_12_11_12_48_44__fce5edb__fast_and_cuda.log

  1. a log file where I keep track of the code changes, and if the new change fixes anything, or breaks anything.

    In the example below, I have a bullet point for each change committed to git with a short summary, and a link to the test results. The fce5edb and f43d7ab are the git commit hash values.

    - fix grid setup, from (M, N) to (P, M)!
    - ensure all data/parameters are in the right device. cpu and cuda, all pass! milestone.

As you can see, it is very simple!


It changed my development cycle a bit: each time before I can claim something is done or fixed, I run this process which takes about 2 mins for two fast runs. I would use this time to reflect on what I've done so far, write down a short summary about what's got fixed and what's broken, check in the test results to git, update the test log file etc.

It sounds tedious, but I found myself enjoying doing it, it gives me confidence and reassurance about the progress I'm making. The time in reflecting also gives my brain a break and provides clarity on where to go next.

During my few hours of using it, it amazes me how easy it is to introduce new issues while fixing existing ones.

Implement in Org-mode

I don't have to use Org-mode for this, but I don't want to leave Emacs :) Plus, Org-mode shines in literate programming where code and documentation are put together.

This is actually how I implemented it in the first place. This section is dedicated to showing how to do it in Org-mode. I'm sure I will come back to this shortly, so it serves as documentation for myself.

Here is what I did: I have a file called poorman_ci.org, a full example can be found at this gist. An extract is demonstrated below.

I group all the tests logistically together into "fast and cpu", "fast and cuda", "slow and cuda", "slow and cuda". I have a top level header named group tests, Each group has their 2nd-level header.

The top header has a property drawer where I specify the shell session within which the tests are run so that

* grouped tests
:CREATED:  [2022-12-10 Sat 11:32]
:header-args:sh:    :session *hw4_test_runner* :async :results output :eval no
  1. it is persistent. I can switch to the shell buffer named hw4_test_runner and do something if needed
  2. it runs asynchronically on the background

All the shell code block under the grouped tests inherits those attributes.

The first code block defines variables that used to create a run id. It uses the timestamp and the git commit hash value. The run id is used for all the code blocks.

#+begin_src sh :eval no
ts=$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
git_hash=$(git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD)
echo "run id: " ${ts}__${git_hash}$

To run the code block, move the cursor inside the code block, and hit C-c C-c (control c control c).

Then I define the first code block to run all the tests on CPU except language model training. I name this batch of tests "fast and cpu".

#+begin_src sh :var fname="fast_and_cpu.log"
pytest -l -v -k "not language_training and cpu" \
     2>&1 | tee ${fname_full}
  1. It creates the full path of the test results. The fname variable is set at the code clock header, this is a nice feature of Org-mode.
  2. pytest provides an intuitive interface for filtering tests, here I use "not language_training and cpu".
  3. The tee program is used to show the outputs and errors and at the same time save them to a file.

Similarly, I define code blocks for "fast and cuda", "slow and cpu", "slow and cuda".

So at the end of the development cycle, I open the poorman_ci.org file, run the code blocks sequentially, and manually update the change log. That's all.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them below. If you liked this post, you can share it with your followers or follow me on Twitter!